è There are different fundamental data types such as char, int, float, double etc. These all data types can store only one value at a time. They can be used to handle limited amount of data.
è In many applications need to handle large amount of data in terms of reading , processing and printing. For that there is a need to use powerful data type that would facilitate efficient storing, accessing and manipulation of data items.
è C supports a derived data type named array for such application .It is one of the Data structure of c. An array is a group of related data items that share a common name. It is simply a group of like type data. for ex, Group of marks of ten students. If name group is marks, then marks of 6th student is accessed by mentioning the position 6 in the group marks.
è Individual value of array are called elements. An array is defined as a set of homogeneous data item.
è The elements are individually identified by its subscript. The subscript of array is also called an index. The array which has one subscript is called one dimensional array. Based on the number of subscript Array can be divided by following types
1. One-Dimensional Array. or single dimensional array
2. Two – Dimensional Array.
3. Multi dimensional Array.
Posted By : Ruchita Pandya
Posted By : Ruchita Pandya