Showing posts with label Introduction - Structure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Introduction - Structure. Show all posts

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Introduction - Structure


è                Array can be used to represent a group of data items that belongs to the same type. Such as int or float so need to represent a collection of data items of different types using a single name at that time array can not be used.
è                C supports a constructed data type known as structure. A  Structure is a collection of one or more variables grouped as a unit under a single name for easy processing.
è                A structure is a convenient tool for handling a group of logically related data items.For example , it can be used to represent a set of attributes such as Employee_ name,Department,Salary etc.

Defining a Structure

è                The structure consists of a number of data items grouped together but unlike array , each data item in the group need not be of the same type. It may consist data of different types
è                The syntax for declaring the structure is as follows:

          struct tag_name
                   Data_type member 1;
                   Data_type member 2;

è                As shown in above syntax struct is a keyword.
è                Tag_name is the name that identifies structure of this type.
è                member1,member2 …are individual member declaration with their data type
è                The struct template is terminated with a semicolon. The entire definition is considered as a statement.
          struct employee
                   int no;
                   char name[15];
                   float salary;

Here, struct  declares the structure to hold detail of three variables. These fields are  called structure elements or member. Each member may belong to different type of data.

Declaring Structure variables:

è    After defining a structure data type need to declare one or more variables to be of that type.
è    A structure variable declaration is similar to the declaration of variable of any other data types.
è    It includes the following elements.
·                                                                           struct keyword
·                                                                           the structure tag name
·                                                                           List of variable name separated by commas.
·                                                                           a terminating semicolon.
struct employee
                   int no;
                   char name[15];
                   float salary;
          struct employee e1,e2,e3;
è                With using this method  structure variable can be  declared any where in the program.The members of a structure themselves are not variables.They do not occupy any memory until they are associated with the structure variable such as e1.
è                It is also allowed to combine both the structure definition and variables declaration in one statement.
Ex, struct employee
                   int no;
                   char name[15];
                   float salary;

The use of tag name is optional.
Ex Struct
                   int no;
                   char name[15];
                   float salary;

Here e1,e2,e3 are declared as a  structure variable but doesn’t include a tag name for later use in declarations.
è    The keyword typedef is also using to define a structure. such as
typedef struct
    type member1;
    type member2;
    type member3;

Here, the type_name represents structure definition associated with it and therefore can be used to declare structure variable.
ex, type_name var1,var2,var3....;
Accessing Member of Structure

A member of a structure can be accessed and used individually in a problem.For thet consider following syntax:


Here, the struct_var_name is the name of structure variable and member name is the name of variable which is member of structure.It can be accessed using  the dot(.).
          struct employee
                   int no;
                   char name[15];
                   float salary;

          struct employee e1;

          The structure is mainly used to store a record that contain different data type.

Structure Initalization
A structure can be initialized by specified the values of data members just after the declaration of structure.

struct emp
          int no;
          char name[15];
          floalt salary;
void main()
{    //initialization
          struct emp e1={1,”xyz”,5000};
          struct emp e2={2,”abc”,6000};

          printf(“\n No         Name           Salary”);
          printf(“\n%d         %s              %f”,,,e1.salary);
          Printf(“\n%d         %s              %f”,,,e2.salary);

Posted By : Ruchita Pandya