Tuesday, 27 March 2012


è    Structure data type is so defined that is able to accept heterogeneous(mixed) data types. A union is also similar to structure. union is a variable which may hold objects of different data types and size.
è    The important difference between structure and union is that structure is a group of variable of different types, while union is a single variable whose type is varying among the type defined as members of union . Union variable is allocated the memory of the largest type and then compiler keeps track of size and alignment according to  the last value of particular data type.
è                union can be created  as follows:
union tag_name
          type member1
          type member2

Here, the keyword union is used to create union. The tag_name specifies the name of union. member1,member2 ... specifies the union member of particular type.
Ex, union data
                   char ch;
                   int i;
                   float f;

In above example the union name is data which contains three members of character type, integer type and float type.
The u is the variable whose type can be character, integer or float but at a time any one only. The largest type is float and hence memory allocated to union variable u is equal to size of float.

The member of a union data type shares a same memory. An union member accessed using  . dot operator such as
                                        union_var_name.member name
                                        printf(“\n i= %d”,u.i);
Here, the value stored in union is of integer type hence the access must be of type integer.when try to print u.c or u.f , response is garbage.If use
here, it overwrites the previous integer .As last storage is of float the access should be of type float only.

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